Today was one of those days where everything I did, planned and unplanned, tickled me!
The day started with another Red Ladder workshop at the San Jose Repertory Theatre. It’s the last workshop for a few weeks. We had a special guest drop by today (unexpectedly). His name was Vincent Kartheiser and he’s on Mad Men. Oh you know, no big deal. He was a pleasant fella and stayed to watch one of the scenes the kids and I did.

Immediately after, Mel treated us (in advance) to some grub at In-n-Out. Trust me, spend a morning with playing and teaching with Youth and you’ll be hungry enough to eat a cow…or in this case, some of this…

Animal style french fries!
I said “advance” earlier, because right after we headed over to her place and helped her with an audition she had to film and send off.

I say it’s looking (and sounding) great. We hope nothing but the best for Melissa!
We were out by about six and decided to get some last minute location scouting in. This is part of pre-production I really look forward to. If it weren’t for gas prices being so high, I’d definitely suggest doing more of this; You know, pack a camera and a picnic basket and bam! It’s a recipe for a wonderful day…
Here are a couple of neat places we found…

What do you think? What kind of scenes do you see playing out here? What does your imagination tell you? Use the comment box below and let me know –I’d be happy to hear them!
It was nightfall soon after and we decided to call it a night. We swooped over to a pho restaurant and talked about our shoot tomorrow. I’m normally a rice and meat kind of guy but soup on a cold day sounded like the perfect thing. I opt’d for the beef stew and yellow noodle soup.

Richard ordered the “#1” which, if you know anything about Pho restaurants, is usually the noodle soup that includes a variety of meat slices. It’s a reliable dish!

Ah yes.
Theatre, filmmaking, good company, and food. Fantastic treats for me. A fella can get used to this…
What are some of your favorite things to do in life? Are they passions? I’d love to hear about them. You can use the comment field below or tweet me at Follow @tasialabastro
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